Saturday, 5 December 2015

Book review :Symphonies of Love

I have received a signed copy of this book from the author.
My expectations:
When I saw the title of the book, Symphonies of Love, I expected love or romantic poems. And seeing a thin 60 pages book of poems I expected it to be short read and probably wouldn't be enough for a reader. 

As I began reading the book, I found many poems on love but not Hollywood/Bollywood love but the love for God. Mr Bernard has reminded me of my childhood days with his poems. I studied in a convent school and I realized Jesus was part of all my prayers. And also I realized love is just not between two people from opposite sex. Love is for GOD, for parents or any place. 
As I read more and more further I saw themes like relationships and loving praying God. I did like a poem my darling. It was rhyming. And sounded sweet. Almost all his poems do not rhyme but they flow really well. 

His poems show strong influence (positive) of christian upbringing with terms like Satan, Judas, Jesus, priest, holy mass, cassock used in his poems. His poems are recommended to any child in the world. They have a positive message of love. Even his poem Our Romance, (which is repeated twice in the book) has no sign of eroticism. Hence the book can be read by all age groups.

When I reached middle of the book I saw no symphony of love but a poet wanting change in the world. He has expressed strongly with his simple language. I like the poem 'World of my own'. He has cleverly used the line " to change it, to mend, to make it my own." He is a philanthropic poet wanting and seeking a better world. He made me look at Warriors in a different light in the poem "Murders at War". The poem "life is just like that" "December days" and most of his poems are general and makes reader easily connect with him. I liked his poem Simple plan which is written with great simplicity but has wisdom of words. 

Most poets write a lot on mothers. It is always easy to express with mothers.But Mr D'sa has dedicated not once but twice to his father. He also has poems on death handled well. 

Symphonies of Love ends with the poem Journey of Eternal Happiness. It rhymes and I really liked it.

There are 3 sketches by Paru Salman in the beginning and the end. They are good but they could be easily missed. Why not include them in the middle ?

The book looks small like I mentioned before but its a disguise and can fool anyone. It has great content and I think the number 51 is just right not less not more. Quick read but lasting impact!

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Another anthology

My poem is published in Life Nama which is available on  amazon. This is my 6th contribution in a group. I hope you buy the book.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Women Empowerment

Every day we see the news, listen to the radio and read newspaper about rapes and crime against women. And government comes up with lot of schemes and programs to save the girl child, education facilities and all. But is it really empowering women? To some extent it does. Without education I wouldn't be able to write these lines. But not fully even today educated working women are easy target. Before in the market of marriage a girl had to be beautiful and capable to producing babies and plus doing household chores. But now they want the girl to know how handle home and even work. No, I am not complaining about the burden on the shoulders. I am actually thinking if education really empowers women. Yes, it helps her get job. She can look after herself without a man. She can do everything . And it is true. Then why do we need men for? Just financial support and now financially capable women do not need men for that. Is the role of man's life just paying bills? Oh yes, sex .. So marry a man for sex and the rest we women do it. We women always needed love and so does a man need. Marriage is basically sharing responsibilities. Isn't it? Then why are we burdening our shoulders and telling men we don't need them?
So back to the real question, what is real empowerment? The ability to earn money and to do household chores or being able to voice out opinions or expressing individuality apart from beings Mrs. so and so. In spite of all why are we women not able to protect ourselves from rapist who are hunting women every day. Why are we being helpless in such situations? Yes, we are physically weak. I am talking about average woman like me not Mary Kom who can box men away. But if you go back to primitive times, weak animals like deer and cows had a way to protect themselves. Imagine herbivorous deer competing carnivorous Cheetah. But If you noticed the animals always had a instinct. They focused on hearing more than seeing.
So if we women are going towards logical brain. Our education trained us to think logically and taught us lot of things. Sadly there is no proper training to live in rapist world. Not all are trained in self defense. What if we take a break from this logic and focus on gut feeling and instincts we could save ourselves in this man made jungle. And if we understand Self defense and things like that perhaps that will be real empowerment then. And fairy tales will be a joke and we wouldn't wait for prince charming to save us!!!

A solution

We all search problems outside and not within. We go to Singapore or Japan to find solution to problems of India. I think that's how it is. We meditate less and debate more. In ancient days, Mahaveer, Buddha sat under a tree till they find all answers. Vedic Rishi knew more than scientist of today. But common man like you and I are so engrossed with petty things in life, we fail to see big picture. Our life is micro level but we assume it is macro.

I read in secret by Rhonda Byrne that law of attraction can be applied by a group of people. Maybe that is why group prayers are more effective. Maybe if all masses come together we may move mountains. To lead masses we do not have good leader from past century. After Gandhi in India, Mandela in Africa we never had strong and good leaders. And I also said it is Aquarian age even if leaders will come forward, masses are in no mood to bow someone. We don’t bow before our teachers or parents anymore. Those who do are hypocrites. Then how will the masses be lead? Should God whom I see as alien figure come down to earth and take the 10th avatar. Or maybe some planets are making us dance to their tunes in gravitational force. 

Our life as a human is a mystery to me sometimes. Sometimes they say destiny is in your hands. Sometimes they say it is controlled by Karma/luck/fate. Sometimes I feel if life is a gift then why am I not enjoying it? Why is working a suffering. When earth was young it had more resources and just Adam and Eve to enjoy it. Now there are less resources and more demand. Maybe that is the reason for clashes. Each one of us is working to reach top of the pyramid. Power is with minority. 

But maybe all this is MAYA the eternal illusion. Maybe there is enough for everybody and we fail to see any of it. We are so busy suffering with the problems. Our emotional fog does not let us see vast oceans. Maybe we never had problem. And it was something we attracted. Our mind is not at peace. Maybe if we all contemplate and meditate we can find solutions to our problems; Meditation is nothing but focus of minute things such as breathing. Our life would be better off. 

People like Kiran Bedi had started Yoga or meditation in Tihar jails. It shows spirituality would improve our life. When I refer spirituality, I do not mean religious dogmas. For me both are different.

We are running towards materialism (Rahu) but we should go towards spiritualism (Ketu) but with this nature we have evolved. We had the ape brain and reptile brain. We evolved after we had another layer of brain which had logic in it. So I think the bigger brain, then more problems. More power, more responsibility. Everyone is on this earth but we create a myth of pyramid of organisation. Power is itself a mirage. The day we wash off all our materialistic values like ego, greed and gluttony we shall find peace. 

Maybe that was the reason ascetics or Hermits left the social structure to be in forest. Like those Aghori babas or Adivasis. I feel they have simpler and less complicated lives. The best things in life fresh water, fresh fruits and fresh air are all coming free. The ingenuous tribes in Andaman and Nicobar don't even wear clothes. And we mock at them. We feel we are more sophisticated. We are so proud of our logical brain that we forget there is reptile within us which is simultaneously active. This brain needs to be fed properly.

This animal brain in us loses moral conscious and like a cheetah attacks a deer, the rapist attacks a woman. The hunter mind was dressed in corporate clothing but was always animal within. We all need to exercise this reptile brain safely. Like the indigenous people paint their bodies and dance free and wild with no restrictions. We all need it too. Today’s man is worried who will think what. And later they become hypocrites. Trust me even the most decent man can slip and commits crime when provoked and when there is no society around to control them. Anyone can become a criminal. People just look for a chance. So the reptile brain in us needs to release all the repressed emotions. It should be exercised in sports or art or music. The naked paintings would be a good way release terrifying emotions. Or repressed emotions would just lead to crime by white collar man and be covered by paying the black coat advocates.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Age of Democracy

This is the age of democracy and not monarchy. There will be more and more causes coming up. It is the Age of Aquarius where humanity and friendship will be of utmost important. 

Let me take an example of Sati. In days of Mughal invasion, Rajput queens and wives of soldiers decided to sacrifice their life because they felt threatened by the Mughal conquerors. They didn’t want to turn into prostitutes in harem. So that was Sati. I think their act was justified. But later this became forced orthodox practice which Raja Ram and British government abolished it. 

And currently Muslims eat beef but Krishna worshippers and Jains respect cows. If you go back to history to the place where Islam was found, eating meat of carnivorous animals is a sin but not herbivorous. But Krishna lived with cowherds and he himself was a Kshatriya. So with the era and time period and also the place, right and wrong is defined. If you see even animals have right to live and so does a plant. Some people think it is foolish to save trees. They think why should be concerned about dumb animals and plants. But you ask the ecologist they will give you the reason.

Then come to abortion. When a woman has been given right to give birth. She has to carry baby for 9 months. A feminist would say it is basically her right to abort or keep the baby. So it is debatable. No one is wrong. Time defines right and wrong.

Capital punishment is age old practice. Why do we hang criminals? Obviously they are threat to the society- the majority. See it is always what majority wants and that is the essence of democracy. 

When British left India, we were crores of peasants and slaves. When people do hard core labour, they do not have time think so much. That is why Shudras were considered less intelligent. Obviously you making them work like donkey how can think like a cat. Even women were burdened with physical labor. They didn’t have time to think. When machines took over the Kitchen women had free time to think. And that is why in this Aquarian age, there will be no kings and no slaves and everyone can think and act. Only machines will be slaves to human.

And by the way different religion and regions have own laws. In Karnataka state women are part of HUF property and others they are not. Then coming to dowry, I feel it is okay to gift your daughter some money and possessions. After all sons you give property, business etc. Daughters had only one expense that was wedding whereas the son had to be given education, property etc. He had to stand on his feet. So he was pampered so that he takes care of his parents. So there was a selfish motive.  So I think its okay to give dowry to daughter and not in laws. In laws you give like a bribe so that the daughter is not ill treated. Imagine if in laws ill treated her and she left their home and the piece of jewelry she is given can be sold for her personal expense. Daughter’s life was hard living with strangers and work like as ass and Parents gifts come handy in harsh times. But soon demanding dowry like Sati became a ritual. That is what is wrong. People just ape ancestors when they can’t find solutions. Rituals become rules and they don’t even realize it. 

Monday, 2 November 2015


Gender discrimination

A lot has been told and written about this topic. Status of women has changed drastically. Women empowerment and crime against women is the happening topics discussed everywhere in the media. But maybe with this article I may bring some new direction to the hot current topic.
First, people are constantly fighting for injustice. Everyone complains about unfair treatment. Like these days reservation is one unfair treatment which was brought to eradicate another unfairness i.e. caste system. And discrimination based on economic status of a person, the rich, the poor and the middle class who prefer not to discriminate or be discriminated. This discrimination is universal. People with better resources are always feared and respected. And in some places it is not economic resource but people with physical strength are looked upon as leaders. Most of the tribal people come under this category. Within indigenous tribes there is no money so there is no capitalism. Here it is based on strength. And later in Vedic system we know Brahmins were worshipped because of their mental strength. So basically there was always discrimination and unfairness. After all we humans are from animal kingdom that have ill treated and betrayed our fellow mammals and climbed up on the social ladder. 
Now that we know there is unfairness everywhere on different basis from time immemorial, let us understand gender discrimination. Can men and women be truly equal? Many say education can give women equal status. Then discrimination will be based on degrees. So let’s assume women have better degrees. Will they still we considered equal? If we read some of quotes by educated man like Chanakya, He considers women as threat and he also feels women do not have enough brains to think individually. Women are in groups mostly. Maybe women of those eras never had individual voice and never felt safe to go against groups. And generally women give more importance to relationships over their self esteem. But with so many women writers, I think education has made an impact to reduce the discrimination.
We all live in capitalist country where each individual have equal opportunity to grow, so naturally there will be rich, poor and middle class. So to be not discriminated women should have money power. And maybe women should just do all the work which pays them money. But then what happens to our selfless housewives who are satisfied by nursing old and ailing. Is it really good for our society? What if a man stays at home to look after children? Then he will discriminated by capitalist society. No wonder women end up doing both and tiring up themselves. Then where is the equality?
Then the indigenous and the communist society may be a better society for equality. People work in groups. Everyone respects one another. Statistics say crime rate in indigenous tribes are lesser comparatively. But communist is not the modern society wants. The fall of Berlin wall is the biggest example in history. The modern society wants equal opportunities to grow. That is monarchy is not suitable to this Aquarian age. The royalty and palace is every common man’s desire. It shows we like royalty but it should favor us. So discrimination and unfairness is good as long as we are at the side of the power. We like the power but hate being powerless. So I think in the process of making equal status for women, let us not discriminate men.
This is the Aquarian age. Lot of wars will be fought in name of equality. Friendship and individuality will be more important. It just another time and era we live in. So every issue will brought forward. Ecologist will say save plants, PETA will say save animals, LGBT will support gay rights. Lot of issues which our ancestors ignored will be highlighted till the earth is a place with no discrimination.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Note to readers

Dears readers,

After officially annoucing my book on March 21st. I got a good response. I have opened up to my readers with seven interviews.
Interview with Infornicle
Interview with ebooks India
Interview with Global Asian Times
Interview with Kaushal Gupta
Interview with

I am also featured in Tanzania site and my poems posted in  Poetry blogspoetry sites and  reviews in reviewers sites,  literature magazine and author sites

Readers have generously given their reviews and ratings on , and was On bestsellers list and Hot releases in Amazon India . 

Whereas I continue to post poems on my facebook page Philia and Sophia and short stories on author page

Philia and Sophia was never an end but a beginning . I have contributed five poems to an anthology
Gust of Wits and a short story to Deep tales.

Thank you for the support !!!

Nikitha Hingad

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Contibution to anthology

My poems are published in this anthology. I hope you keep supporting me like always

Monday, 7 September 2015

Another book

Dear readers,

Five of my poems are selected to be published in "Velvet" anthology of poems published by Blue rose publishers . It will be released on September 12 2015. It will be priced at 120. I hope you would support me as you did before. Here is the link to Velvets

Nikitha Hingad

Friday, 21 August 2015

Why do I write poetry?

My younger sister asked me, "Neel, why do people write poems?" LOL . After a pause I said, " Because they like to. Can you ask someone why do you sing songs or do art-work?. "So it is a time pass , hobby is it?" She asked further. I said " Yes" and finished the conversation before she ask me more dumbfounding questions. LOL
Actually it makes sense what she asked. I did tell her that people read novels and stories. There are very few poetry lovers. Then why are we stillwriting poetry. Are we manufacturing a product which is outdated ? Or are we making a luxury product that only few intellectuals can afford 'cause the lay man doesn't understand poetry.
When I tell people I write poems and ask them to read, they say "O its too complicated" and "I am not a literature person" etc. Even the ones who read bestseller novels tell me that. Is poetry only meant for school curriculum like a musuem antique piece to be studied before it gets extinct?
There are lot of myths around it actually. Poetry is not only about Shakespearen sonnets which are complicated; I agree. But also those beautifuls songs you listen are a form of poetry. Most lyrical poems can be actually sung. Poetry is and will always exist. Those shayaris you read are poetry of course. And the few lines you see in Greeting cards are poetry.
Poetry is a beautiful way of telling the bitter truth and also the greatest lines by a lover. Poetry heals hearts.
So Join me on this page and lets take sips of poetry .

How to write a poem?

I have few interesting tips
For wanna be poets so that,
Writing will be easy as coffee sips
And poetry will be your thinking hat.

First dont hold a pen and sit all day.
Just be focused on your chores.
Thoughts will come your way.
Words will flow with great force.

Express your thoughts in leisure,
Till then focus on your duty.
Perfection ll come for sure.
Express not necessarily in poetry.

Then when you jot down
In scribbled rough sheet,
Transform into verbs and noun
With a title, it is complete.
Make sure post on fb and share.
So that we read your poem
'Cause we are friends who care.
We are like you same to same.

Dream Lover

Dream lover
(my first love poem written in 2006 during my hindi class :P)
From a distance, you look like a happy man who leads the world and when you get depressed , you look like a small kid throwing tantrum.
Then I feel like pulling your cheeks and planting a kiss on them and moving my fingers on your hair.
But when you come closer to me I feel as though I mighty ruler has come to conquer me.
And when I look into your eyes, I see a friendly exciting glitter and on that the precious smile which leaves me stunned for a while
And when you greet me , sometimes when you salute me gallantly
You leave me speechless...
Your voice makes me jump on my seat! ans sometime I feel like embracing you.
I imagined I waas in your arms , I smelt your cologne and felt an enigmatic ecstacy.
I felt something roared within me and at the same time felt relieved , oblivious about the world around me.
Your touch first strange but later warm and comfortable.
Your arms are for my body to rest. Your heart is where I like to live.
i wish I could dream this dream throughtout my life. But I know, one day I have to wake up and come back to reality !!!
copyrights reserved nikitha hingad
From the book of love and wisdom
Philia and Sophia
Nikitha Hingad
Poetess Nikitha Hingad

Review of Diary Of The Heart: Little Red Book by Watkins

I was given a free copy of Diary of the heart: The Little Red Book for a fair and honest review. Poetry is very subjective and is a difficult task to review because each person has his/her own taste. I read lot of poems on the internet and I am not a harsh critic cause like I said before Poetry is an art form and everyone has their own tastes. 
In the beginning the author says – I write for me and only me. And He says unlike his previous books he chose not to cut out and so almost all his bare thoughts are revealed here. He chooses to expose his vulnerabilities in public eye which is rarely seen. So, whoever is prepared to be touched the intimate way and is interested in reading bare emotions of a stranger’s diary should go for it. The rest of us wouldn’t relate to him. 
So the Diary of the heart is just like the title, the book is designed like a diary and the book cover is a plain red background. It’s like a personal diary of author describing his emotional journey from 2014-15. In fact the title of poems are itself just dates (I didn’t like that as for a reader dates are just numbers and of no use to us).
Though the Author is from UK chooses simple lay man’s language to express his emotions. He neither uses rhymes nor heavy jargons. I think the author has underplayed his writing skills perhaps to reach the masses. He uses lyrical forms in some of his poems and I like that. But in the poem “Ends of the Earth” I wish he added the chorus “Will follow you to the end of the earth for the last two paragraphs as well. 
Then there were one-sided-infatuation-poems which made me feel as though I am reading my stalkers diary. They were too intimidating and I simply didn’t like them. 
I liked poems like Negativity, Small building block, the path, be the first for inspiring me. Poems like memories, M U 2 and Christmas Love were sweet. And treat me like a canvas, Insert name were creative. I like the truth bluntly said in the poem ‘Time’.
Some of his poems were so long and boring. His depressing lines were dragged too far. I just did not want to read any of it. It was like reading his depressing plain monologue with himself or his imaginary conversations with his lover. I just got bored and I was wishing it gets over soon. Short poems like “What did I say?’ were better than his long passages like “Surrender”. It is not that I do not listen to sad poems but I like metaphors to exaggerate pain. He uses simple language which doesn’t suit my taste. Some of the puritans and sonneteers wouldn’t even call them poem, would call them prose pretending to verse. He also doesn’t play with minds of reader, saying something and leaving the rest for the reader. He says it all. Some classic poetry lovers who like decoding and deciphering the hidden meaning of the poems may not like it. 
I like to conclude by saying that Mr Watkins is a good writer who can express emotions with minimum vocabulary. He is also lucky to have is mother to proofread for him. And for a self-published author that is a great boon. And she has done a great job Book trailer 

Review on Moustached-Poet-Few-Pots-Poems

I loved the book cover design and also the name of the book. I think it is very unique. I liked the fact that author dedicated the book to poetry lovers.
The poet writes in free style. He follows no fixed pattern like any modern poet. From the poem “Rains” I noticed he can rhyme well too but he doesn’t force or restricts himself.
 He sees poetry even in simple daily occurrences in life. He is a good observer. He writes poems on people and issues which we as a society tend to ignore. And I appreciate this quality in him. After all a true poets sees the unseen.
I found his poetry more like folk tales or regional language poets. If you read Kannada poet’s Kuvempu’s English, they are very similar to his poems. . After centuries if our future generations need to know about our culture and lifestyle, then this piece of literature would help them.
He describes a lot. He has satire poems written about stark realities of life. And also breaking stereotype like step mother and crow I liked the conclusion (poet’s words) added after a poem. It seems like the poem is a song and there is narration after. It gives a clear picture on what circumstance the poet has written these lines. It is easy for people who have minimum vocabulary or find it difficult to decipher poem’s true meaning.  To be honest I read some of his poems twice to understand them more deeply. His poems need to be read slowly and leisure.
 He expresses so gently about everyday emotions and I think everyone can connect with his poetry unlike what people usually think that poetry is not their cup of tea. He is a poet since eight he says and I see the way he writes. It shows how beautifully he expresses. And it seems like he has been reading poetry along with academics. I like rhythm in the poem Stubborn.  The poem my kite is as if child has written it.
The Moustached poet: few pots of poems are a good collection of poems giving glimpses of his life and various people around him.

Suggestions: I would prefer the poet divided poems into different segments. And also please write an Author’s note at the end of the book for your kind readers. I suggest the conclusion poet’s words are renamed as author’s note because poet’s word is the poem itself.

PS: I wonder as to why Mr Goswami doesn’t grow a moustache!

Available on Amazon
निराशा के बादलों  के बीच में आशा की एक किरण नज़र आती है।
कांटेदार शाखाओं की शीर्ष पर सुन्दर गुलाब खिलता है। 
काली काली रातों में चाँद अकेले ही चमकता है। 
चाहे दुनिया वाले  हो जाते खिलाफ  तुम्हारे ,
डरने की क्या है ज़रुरत विक्रम विजयी अकेले उठता है। 


Years after the evil Kans was killed by his nephew Krishna, the kingdom was at peace. Devki , mother of Krishna was waiting for her valour to arrive. When two twin monks asked for alms, she gave alms to them and went inside. When again the monks came back and asked for alms, she assumed they were too hungry. So she gave morsels this time. But she was agitated when they came back the third time. She told them "monks shouldn't be so greedy, why you come back again and again?"
The monks looked at them innocently and said "Mother we are six brothers, we all look the same. Our brothers might have come here before us. "
Queen Devki refused to believe them. So she followed them to their Teacher Lord Neminath. Lord Neminath being Thirthankara was Kevala Gyani ie aware of past present and future. 
He told Devki that these six monks were her own children who everyone presumed were killed by Kans.  Devki was in tears. Her maternal affection filled her bosom with milk. She couldn't show her love towards these monks. Devki was sad and depressed. 
Krishna was so busy with administration and warfares that he barely gave time to his mother. He came only once to meet her. So every time he came, his mother celebrated the annual event. But this time she was so sad. 
Krishna went to his mother's room and asked "Mother, aren't you well? Why have you not come to see me?"."Son, I am hale and hearty. But I am so ill fated. In spite of giving birth to seven sons, I couldn't feed my children, play and cuddle with them. You were brought up with Yashodha. And I just couldn't see you grow up. I wish I had a child whom I could raise" She said.
Krishna couldn't see her mother in depression. He went to forest and fasted three days and took great penance till Lord Indra, appeared. "O krishna, I am pleased by your penance. What do you seek?" Krishna asked for a younger brother so that his mother could raise him. Indra granted his wish but there was a condition. A child would be born to Devki but he would renounce worldly pleasures during his youth.
After a year, Devki gave birth to a son and named him Gajsukhmal. He was raised well by his mother. He grew up into a fine archer, young handsome man. Krishna was worried. He remembered the condition. What if he took Diksha and renounced the world and took path of monkhood? So Krishna decided to get him engaged.
Once Krishna's chariot's wheel got stuck and they halted near a Brahmin's house. There he saw Brahmin's daughter. She was epitome of beautiful woman. "She probably could lure back Gajsukhmal towards materialism", thought Krishna. He promptly went inside the Brahmin's hut. Seeing the King appearing, the Brahmin was perplexed. He said, " why did you take effort to come my humble hut?you should have called me. Did I do something wrong? "
Krishna asked his daughter's hand for Gajsukhmal. Being the king of the land, he couldn't be refused. So they agreed the time and date of marriage.
Lord Neminath was far off cousin of Krishna. He was near the city of Dwaraka. Inspired by his sermons, young Gajsukhmal renounced the world and took monkhood. He immediately went graveyard and stood still, closed eyes and meditated deeply.
Seeing his son in law, as a monk, the Brahmin was furious. His daughter wouldn't be married to anyone. He took charcoal and placed on the monk's head. Gajsukmal was calm and composed. He knew the reason of his father in law's act.
In previous birth, there were co-sisters. The elder co sister was jealous of younger one. One day the younger Co sister's son was ill. So she asked the elder one's advice. The elder one asked her to place hot chapati on the infant son's bald head. After doing so the infant died.
In this birth Gajsukhmal faced his previous birth's karma. In spite of the heat on his head by the burning charcoals, Gajsukhmal thought "How lucky I am my father in laws ties me a turban towards my salvation!" Thus Gajsukhmal forgives the brahmin and calmly attained liberation.
Copyrights Nikitha Hingad 2015 
Source: Jain scriptures

International Women's day

Today, the international women’s day is a day dedicated to all the women in our lives. Today’s woman is not only a daughter, a sister and a mother, but also a journalist, actress or an astronaut. Women have come a long way. Pat on our backs for our long list of our achievements. If our great-great-great grandmother would be alive, I wonder would she be in awe. Or would she say, “Well, you don’t have burden yourself, my girl” In past decade there was dynamic change in our economy which made every middle class woman aspiring to take a job and be independent. But in spite of our landing moon, are women able to secure themselves? Can she walk alone on this planet?

Now there comes the real issue -The safety of a woman. The famous Nirbhaya case was all over the media. Jyoti Singh, a 23 year old medical student was brutally gang raped. And the documentary made by Leslee Udwin who was also a rape victim is causing great debate in our parliament. Her interview with Mukesh Singh, one of the prime accuse, causing the ruckus. Mukesh Singh, the rapist has lack of remorse or regret in spite of being imprisoned. He clearly states that it was Jyoti’s fault to go out after 7pm. So he justifies his crime as he feels she wasn’t a decent girl. And if she wouldn’t have fought back, she wouldn’t have been hit. It was the first time in history where the real cause of such crime against women has been shown. But our politicians say showing the rapist mindset will increase such crimes. And the Home minister of our country is of view that this will affect tourism of our country and it will defame our country.  So our dirty linens were washed in UK by BBC. The ban on this video created more sensation and 300 thousands of people of our country watched it online. I watched the video too.

The documentary may affect our tourism. The damage is been done. It should have actually been shown specifically to the Indian audience. The documentary should reach all the criminals first.  They should learn to respect women.  But it reached UK audience and they saw like another Slum Dog Millionaire. And there will be an Oscar or a Nobel for Udwin and BBC Mount Everest TRPs. But the documentary shows all aspect of rape and it is unbiased and well shot.

The documentary India’s daughter is worth watching. There is no detailed scene of rape like any Bollywood movies have which our uncensored TV shows every day. Jyoti is not raped again in the documentary but is given due respect for her short life. It doesn’t promote rapist views. It shows the reality of our society.

The defense lawyer’s mentality shows the true mindset of our society. We as a society failed to discipline our sons. He clearly blames on the character of Jyoti for having premarital relationships and deserves to stay at home. He is unashamed to say that India’s culture is best and there is no place for women. The documentary is mirror to our mindsets.

There were some scenes where accused Akshay Thakur’s wife says is also a daughter of the country. Her life is useless without her husband.  There is no regret like true Bhartiya Nari she supports her husband in spite of being wrong. So helpless is a woman to her husbands’s wrong doing. Mukesh, with no regret says after this verdict, the rape victim will be killed leaving no evidence. Juvenile will be released in December. The case is still pending in Supreme Court. The prosecution lawyers also demanded ban on this documentary reason being it will weaken their case.

May be this documentary showed the darker side of our society. May be it is raising alarm for safety of women. But it also showed million people gathering in protests. People who didn’t even know her name or ever seen her, those people thronged on streets. The suppressed women came out. Students, housewives, professionals all demanded for a new law. The nationwide protest showed it was a time for change of rape law. The tolerating, suppressed, demure women have gone. The patriarchal society shall be changed soon. It is a beginning to change for the better. There will soon be equality in our society.

Jyoti, we are proud of you. You set an example to all of us. You made us proud. Your life is an inspiration to us. Such parents and such a girl should be saluted.  And by broadcasting this documentary more women will not be ashamed to be victims and be brave enough. She is no more but she is alive in our hearts and so is India’s daughter. I salute her on International Women’s Day!!!

Moon rays

Moon rays

Suwa Bai was the only daughter of Kishorimal amongst her four brothers. As the children grew up Kishorimal found a bridegroom for Suwa Bai and wives for his sons. All the children were happily married and he was at peace. Then Kishorimal passed away leaving behind huge agriculture lands for his sons and few old ornaments for Suwa Bai. Sukkhi Bai, his wife lived few days in grief and died soon after his demise.
Suwa Bai lived with her husband and two children in Balesar, a small village in Rajasthan. Her husband Pukraj was a farmer with a small plot. They were a content family. Until that year though the monsoon didn’t fail, the crops were good but the prices were low as the demand was less and supply was more. Pukraj sold the grains at low prices and mortaged his land. The family was going through a financial crisis. The next year, the debts increased till Suwa Bai sold her jewelry and Pukraj his land. Pukraj toiled on Zamindar’s land and Suwa Bai went to Jodhpur city as a street Hawker. Every morning she left Balesar and walked to Jodhpur selling wood and reached before sunset to her dinghy hut.
One day, Bastimal, Suwa Bai’s eldest brother had come to pick her up. His wife Laxmi had delivered a baby boy. So there was a big ceremony and all relatives and villagers were invited.  Suwa Bai was invited too. She was so happy that she immediately left for her brother’s house leaving her husband and children behind. She told them that she will send word, an invitation to them. She asked them to join her later.
As soon as she reached Bastimal’s house, Suwa Bai was showed the kitchen. For a whole day she toiled and cooked delicacies for the guests. She made laapsi, kheer, puri, gatta aloo mutter Etc. Her sisters in laws, brothers continued entertaining the guests while she toiled in the kitchen. It was half past five when all the guests left. Suwa Bai was not even asked to eat. She felt upset. But she was far more worried about her hungry children and husband. She was about to leave when Laxmi asked her to cook the evening meals. So she kneaded the dough and filled her ivory bangles with dough so that she could make porridge with it. She was about to leave when Laxmi said – “O’ Suwa Bai, wash your bangles before you leave”. Suwa Bai washed her bangles and tearfully cleared that dough off her bangles.
Suwa Bai reached her hut. It was dark by then. Her children slept waiting for her. Her husband looked at her disappointedly. She left her hut with a pot to fill with left over rice starch. It was dark, all the villagers were sleepy. Her brothers and sister in laws were asleep too. She went near the large wok with rice starch in it. She filled her pot and saw the reflection of the moon. She felt guilty. She thought “All the villagers are asleep. No one can see me. But God is watching me. How can I steal then?” She emptied her pot back and was about to leave when suddenly there was a voice, “Suwa Bai, O’ Suwa Bai”. It was dark and whole village was asleep including her starving children and husband. The voice called her again. She looked here and there. There was no one.
“O Suwa Bai, look here it is me; your Chanda Mama” Suwa Bai looked at the moon and it was talking to her. “I am pleased with your honesty. Inspite of no one watching you, you didn’t steal. Ask me Suwa anything you desire. ” The Moon God said. Suwa Bai looked at the full moon. It was the only light amidst the darkness in the village. She said” I do not know. What do I ask you?” Chanda Mama thought carefully and said, “Suwa, you humans need money to survive and I do not have that. I cannot give you food too. But I have my moon rays to give you. These are very precious to me. You sell them tomorrow on streets of Jodhpur.” and Chanda Mama disappeared behind the clouds.

Suwa Bai had a basket next day with scintillating moon rays in it. It was an amusing sight for onlookers when they saw a young woman calling out in a musical tone “Moon rays! Moon rays, Buy some Moon rays!” People giggled, laughed and mocked at her. But she continued calling “Moon rays! Moon rays!” Little boys on streets threw marbles at her. Young men teased her. Everyone called her mad and some abused her. “Till yesterday, she sold wood, today moon rays. How can anyone sell moon rays?” The crowd murmured.
Udairaj Singh, the King of Marwar strolled in his terrace garden in his palace. When he saw below something shone in a street hawker’s basket. The king asked his guards to let her inside the palace. He saw the moon rays they shone straight in his face like a diamond or even better. He hadn’t seen anything like this before. He asked her the price. Suwa Bai she said didn’t know.  He knew this was priceless. So he opened all seven treasuries and told her to take anything she wants till the sunset.
Misrimal, Suwa Bai’s second brother had come to pick her up. His wife Sumitra had delivered a boy baby. So there was a big ceremony and all relatives and villagers were invited. And he wanted to call her sister to prepare the meals. He searched for the thatched hut across the Banyan tree. But there was no trace of any hut. He called a passerby and asked “O Tau, there was a hut here, where did it go?” “Hut, which hut? This is no more a village now. This is a town. Who are you looking for?” He asked.
Suwa Bai was strolling in her veranda when she saw her brother. She asked her servant to bring him inside. Seeing his sister in a huge bungalow with rich ornaments and rich attire, Misrimal wondered if his sister will ever step in his house. Misrimal told her about the occasion.  Suwa Bai was excited and she immediately left for her brother’s house leaving her husband and children behind. She told them that she will send ward an invitation to them. She insisted they come only if all her brothers came with bullock carts and invited with utmost respect. She asked them to join her later wearing their finest clothes.
As soon as she reached Misrimal, all her sister in laws, brothers and other relatives gathered around her like bees. “Suwa Baiji! Sit here on chair”said one.  “Suwa Baiji! Please eat Kheer” said another. “Where are Pukrajji and children? Why haven’t they come yet?” said another. They were brought with warmth and grand hospitality ever shown. Suwa Bai then mocked aloud- Eat this kheer, my jewelry. Relish this Laapsi, my velvet ghaghra. What am I without these ornaments? Am I worth only this much?

Copyrights Nikitha Hingad 2015



I think we all know that each individual is capable of doing anything. But not everything at once. As human society evolved we developed skills and became expert in one form of skill though we knew other forms. Slowly we started exchaging one work for another. For example you cook for me while I go hunting. Or you make my clothes and I go fish. And thus people grouped themselves specialising in one set of skills. This was barter trade. A cobbler exchanged shoes for clothes from a tailor. Look closely cobbler exchanged time ie labour hours for labour. It was time which was traded. We have one life and we wanted everything the best. So we had professionals to do one kind of job for us and in return we did one job . This way time is exchanged. Slowly, the time replaced something valuable like gold.
If you realise even we can mine diamonds and gold but we pay the miner. And the more old the carbon is, the greater possibility of being a diamond. Older minerals had more value. Ancient artificats has own value. Its basically exchange of time.
So why do some have more time/money and some have less? It's basically best use of time. In eight hours of the day the more value you add to the time , the more you earn. And yes we bargain time too.
The Bankers know the real time time value of money. When they lend us loan, we promise not just the principal but also the interest. We promise our future value of time in exchange of present one. After all present time is most valuable of all . We grow older our time is shorter. The youth has longer time, the old the shorter.
So in short time was the real money !


इन दूरियों  में तुम्हारा  ही एहसास याद आता है।
पलकों के नीचे सपने सजा ये  बैठे है।
आँख बंद करूँ तो  तुम ही तुम नज़र आते हो।
आखिर इतना तुम क्यों तड़प पाते हो ?

आँख खुली तो पता चला के तुम ख्यालों में बस्ते हो।
तुम्हारा साथ ही  तो चाहिए जीने के लिए।
तुम, तुम्हारी बाँहें  साथ हो मेरे।
तो हम तैयार है मौत  अपनाने के लिए।

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Poetry Anthology

Dear readers,

I have recently contributed to a poetry anthology called Silver Lining which is available on

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Philia and Sophia _the book release

After a long process of publishing, Philia and Sophia (the book of love and wisdom) a compilation of love and wisdom is here out online sites like amazon, flipkart, scribd, ebay and barnes and nobles my
I hope you all love and enjoy my nascent endeavour of poetry. Do give me your feedback.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Lovers and outside world

The curtains fail an attempt
to cover the blooming love,
a guilt of  innocent contempt
of the mundanity of the world.

The lovers follow their signs
given by their longing hearts,
as their bodies entwines
all desires being fulfilled.

The winds of the world
travel and far and wide
the affair  soon unfurled
staining the pure essence

The watchful eyes sees unseen
some feel happy for the two,
They have also been
through these youthful days.

But there are foes of love too
They condemn , call it filth
and stop them getting through
the lovers face a tough test

Such an irony it is, I say!
For love face hatred
but it is the only way
to unite the lovers...

Copyrights reserved 2015 Nikithahingad